| Mr Koot's plans to build a Flevobike with chain box. |
 | Martin and Uwe Anderseck: Their home made Flevos and a self made Flevo Tandem. |
 | Jan Brandse: FlevoRacer and Knakker (self built Flevo-lowracer) |
 | Willem Dijkstra: He made a reikshaw for his two kids on a Trike. |
 | Frank Hertstein: Building of his Flevobike with text and illustrations. |
  | Esko Meriluoto: Hipparion: A self designed and evoluted trike based on the Flevo concept. |
 | Olaf Schultz: His self built FlevoBike version. |
  | Erik Wannee: Self made FlevoBike and -Trike with several modifications. |
 | Mark Hodson: Description of the Trike. |
 | Toni Cornelissen: General info about his Bike. |
  | Fokke Buwalda: He describes his vintage Flevo: One of the oldest FlevoBikes. |
 | Tamir Brouwer: Some pictures of his Bike and Trike. |
 | Fred Jan Kraan: General info about his Racer. |
 | Willem Leeflang: General info about his Racer. |
 | Ulrich Mertin: The Flevomaniac; Personal experiences of Ulrich and his beloved Flevo. |
 | Robert Zandman: General info about his Racer. |
 | Several experiences of Bike-users |
 | Several experiences of Trike-users |
 | Several experiences of Racer-users |